BITSAT 2021 Slot Booking Enabled Now
BITSAT 2021 slot booking: How to choose a slot
We have received queries from many students regarding BITSAT 2021 slot booking status. Well to be very frank, it depends on your suitability also. Some of you might have other exams scheduled very close to BITSAT 2021. So you can make a choice as per your schedule.
In case you don’t have any such exam, you can make a choice based on the experiences of our previous students. The general perception is that exams become slightly tougher as the days advance. The logic is plain and simple: students get more time if his/her slot in later shifts. Hence to maintain a uniformity, exams are generally perceived as becoming tougher.
However, one must realize that no two students ever attempt the same exam of BITSAT. BITSAT Question paper is unique for one and all. So keeping all this in mind, make your choice and prepare accordingly.
Boosting your preparation after BITSAT 2021 slot booking
To boost your performance, you can choose to practice from the finest test series made by BITSians themselves. Also, as a weekend offer, we are giving discounts on Master and Progressor BITSAT Series using the code: MCS40OFF
You can purchase the test series from this link:
On scrolling down, you will see a button ‘Buy Now’ which on clicking, prompts a form. Once you fill the form, you are automatically redirected to new url, where you can make the payment. And Of course, don’t forget to avail the 40% discount by putting the code. Feel free to reach to our team for any queries regarding any difficulty you face. You can directly mail to for quick resolution.
Wishing you all the best for the exam!.